Monthly Archives: May 2012

Clover chains on Memorial day


It feels like summer here in DC. The hydrangeas and peonies are starting to bloom, there’s a strong warm breeze blowing and clover has overtaken our yard.  Remember when you used to make necklaces from clover, or eat the tangy bud of a sweet pickle weed?  Remember when you rushed home from school just to play–homework forgotten?  Well, someone in my neighborhood remembers.  It was a great surprise to walk down the street and be greeted by this joyous banner of summer, swinging in the breeze!  What will you discover this weekend?  Let me know!

The Joy of Curbside Shopping


The other day, driving my daughter to school, I caught sight of an object on the side of the road.  My heart raced.  What would it be?  Trash or treasure?  The next great find? or something best left for the junkyard?  In this case, I passed, because as I drew closer I saw that that beautiful object obscured by shining sun was just an old TV stand.  But I don’t give up because sometimes you find something truly beautiful, such as these funky Adirondack chairs.  Even though it took me twenty minutes to get them in the car, it was well worth it!


Somebody’s turning 12


Today is my daughter’s birthday.  She’s throwing a slumber party with a dramatic theme –a four act play complete with costumes (duct tape tiaras and fabric store remnants turned into togas).  Her enthusiasm and creativity is boundless.  I had written a lovely post about birthday party tips, but lost it somehow, so will share with you later.  For now, remember that birthdays are a blessing and the joy is in the celebration, not what it costs or how fancy the presents are.