Monthly Archives: March 2012

Blossom Time


What will you do with cherry blossoms this year?

I love this picture from last year’s beginning of cherry blossom season.  So warm here that the blossoms are bursting forth already.  I love the way people try to preserve the mystery of cherry blossom season in DC.  I’ve seen blossom soap and  blossom pencils, blossom tees and blossom jewelry and so many pictures of blossoms.  We have a tree in our front yard and this morning I looked out my window and the world was pink with buds.  Makes me want to sit down and create something delicate and yet…the blossoms are so lovely because they are so fleeting.  Maybe I should just write haiku!

Hello world!


See what you find by looking at the ground? A spilled box of candy becomes a valentine!

It started with a green bottle. We’d be driving along and my mother would suddenly order my dad to pull over to the side of the road so she could pick up a discarded bottle.  We were and are a family in which treasures are often found in other people’s cast-offs.  I love estate sales, ancient books and magazines, the debris at construction sites–and I love what those bits and pieces can turn into.  It’s not just old stuff, however.  I’m a lawyer by training, and I love well-crafted arguments, but few people see the beauty that can be found therein.  I like juxtaposing words and ideas, repurposing them and turning them into collage that tells a new story.  So, who knows where I will go with this blog.  it will mostly be about trying to make art on the side–combining the need to create with the need to make my living, raise a family, and be a productive member of society.  Join me and let’s see how the journey unfolds.